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Surviving the 2WW! (two week wait)


Every month after you ovulate, assuming you took some action to work toward conception, does your monkey mind run amok?

If you’ve been trying to conceive for a while you’re probably nodding your head right now. For those newbies the two week wait is the time after you ovulate, again assuming action to conceive was taken, and before you can confirm if you are or are not pregnant.

There is no way to find out in that time frame. No blood test, no over the counter pregnancy test, no magical pregnancy sensing unicorn, NOTHING!  You’re in limbo land and you’re stuck there until either you get your period or a pregnancy test gives you the news. IT IS TORTURE! 

I have good news for you… I have videos to help you not only survive the 2WW, but they will help you calm your monkey mind, ease your anxiety, and lower your stress while you’re sending a really clear message to your body about what it needs to be doing in this important time.

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